Contact Us
Please do contact us with enquiries.
Email: kayemackinnon@outlook.com
Telephone: 01692 582781
Or write to us at:
Stalham Firehouse Museum
High Street
Norfolk NR12 9BB
Please write to us or call us if you have any donations of artefacts, photographs, pictures or drawings.
We especially want to hear from you if you have any
anecdotes relating to ex-Stalham firemen, memories
of relatives who were in the Stalham Fire Brigade at any
time and especially those who were killed in action in
either world wars. We love to hear stories, funny or serious
to help Stalham and its little firehouse come alive.
We are unique, and we would very much value your support. Please kindly download the attached form, and return to us or complete online and return by emailing us. Thank you!